Consider These Tips Before You Move Home
Just bought a new home? Congratulations! Surely now is busy taking care of removals and packing items for moving. But, have you prepared a strategy to move house? Yes, not only that it took a war strategy. Moving house also requires a strategy that bai, so that the process runs smoothly, no damaged goods, and can be completed more quickly. Some of these strategies in them are as follows.1. Collecting items owned
So much for the many tools that we have, sometimes we do not realize that there are things in place we live this long. That is not lost during the transfer and easier while arranging later, inventariskan advance all the things you have. Ranging from electronic equipment, furniture, to small items like CDs.
2. Planning arrangement of goods
The average person takes one week to finish arranging his new residence. This is because there is no careful planning before moving home. So, now also immediately made goods structuring plan. Usually the most complicated is arranging a sofa, TV, bookcase, and a variety of cabinet.
This is due to the limitations of the wall. Ceramic by putting a partition between the living room to the living room, or family room with kitchen space. It could also lay the table or chest of drawers in between the two rooms, a second barrier area.
3. Packing safe and comfortable
Do not just put stuff up pick up or car. Packing correctly all of your goods, according to the type and character. Glassware must be protected with pads. Can be made from newsprint or sponge. Electronic goods assembly needs to be parsed first, put it back in the carton. Put all the items in a cardboard box or a plastic bag and label what's inside. Make sure the cardboard and the bag is easy to carry.
4. Select the appropriate time
Moving house at night to avoid traffic jams and more heat, but the noise will interfere with the neighbors. Moved during the day can be done only on weekends or holidays, especially if you work in an office (outside the home).
5. Prepare the vehicle
The truck is the best vehicle to transport household goods. Free rain, heat, dust, and the risk of theft. Minibus space more narrow and can not transport the furniture. Kind of pick up the car a wider and relieved, but can be exposed to rain, dirt, and has a security risk.
6. Moving gradually
In addition to reducing the effects of fatigue, gradually moving goods will also allow you to organize goods. First, first move furniture and electrical appliances and cooking tools, and then the small stuff.
7. Do not rush to buy additional goods
Do not buy goods before the goods are long finished moved. Who knows, the goods already purchased can not even be used, because it does not comply with existing goods.
With this strategy, the process of moving home will be more comfortable and orderly. Enjoy the new dwelling, yes!